Jedes Jahr im Hochsommer findet auf den Wiesen zwischen den großen Waldflächen Mittellandes eine der großen Schlachten der Menschheit statt. Ritter, Elfen und Zauberer versuchen den Kampf gegen Orks, Dämonen und die dunkle Seite der Macht zu gewinnen. Was wie ein Szenario aus dem Film HERR DER RINGE aussieht, geschieht abseits der Medien, wenn Tausende von Live-Rollenspielern sich treffen und in ihre Fantasy-Welt eintauchen. Jeder der mittlerweile über 250.000 deutschen Rollenspieler entwickelt dabei über Jahre seine Rolle weiter und schreibt so an den großen Rollenspiel-Plots mit, Phantasiegeschichten die auf den uralten Mythen der Menschheit aufbauen. Mit humorvollem Blick entdecken wir, dass es sich bei den Rollenspielern um ganz normale Menschen unserer Gesellschaft handelt - nur eben mit einer ungewöhnlichen Freizeitbeschäftigung.
Every year during summer one of the biggest battles of mankind takes place amidst the hillsides of middle earth. Knights, elves and magicians are fighting orcs and the dark powers. What looks like a scene from Lord of the Rings actually takes place in a field in Germany, where thousands of role players meet to plunge into a fantasy world of their own. More than 250.000 people in Germany regularly make this transition. The documentary accompanies five role players in their daily lives and their parallel ones. Where does their yearning for a shared world of fantasy come from? What does this reveal about our hectic, technological life? Sunday warriors is a film about the passion for playing and the ambition to exceed your limits.
Every year during summer one of the biggest battles of mankind takes place amidst the hillsides of middle earth. Knights, elves and magicians are fighting orcs and the dark powers. What looks like a scene from Lord of the Rings actually takes place in a field in Germany, where thousands of role players meet to plunge into a fantasy world of their own. More than 250.000 people in Germany regularly make this transition. The documentary accompanies five role players in their daily lives and their parallel ones. Where does their yearning for a shared world of fantasy come from? What does this reveal about our hectic, technological life? Sunday warriors is a film about the passion for playing and the ambition to exceed your limits.