Ein Mann in Bestform
Alain JessuaSchauspieler:
Patrick Dewaere, Jacques Dutronc, Fanny Cottençon, Stéphane Audran, Philippe Léotard, François Dyrek, Anna Gaylor, Jean-Paul Muel, Francis Lemaire, André Thorent, Patrice Kerbrat, Jeanne Goupil, Caroline Berg, Pierre Hatet, Stéphane Bouy, Thalie FrugèsNach einem Selbstmordversuch mit einer neuartigen Therapie behandelt, wird aus einem normalen Versicherungsangestellten ein perfekter, stets freundlicher Mensch, der bald allen auf die Nerven geht, jedoch auch eine steile Karriere macht.
Doctor Valois has invented the "flashage", a cure for depressed people. After having tested it on monkeys, he tries with a first human patient, Alain Durieux. This is great success, everybody's happy except may be Alain's wife, Jeanne, who's worrying about the changes in Alain's personality. Other patients use the treatment with similar successes, and Valois's happy about it. But the monkeys are changing: non-cured ones are made mad by the over-stability and stereotyped behaviour of the cured ones. So are the humans. When Valois realises he can't stop the process, he decides to "flash" himself.
Doctor Valois has invented the "flashage", a cure for depressed people. After having tested it on monkeys, he tries with a first human patient, Alain Durieux. This is great success, everybody's happy except may be Alain's wife, Jeanne, who's worrying about the changes in Alain's personality. Other patients use the treatment with similar successes, and Valois's happy about it. But the monkeys are changing: non-cured ones are made mad by the over-stability and stereotyped behaviour of the cured ones. So are the humans. When Valois realises he can't stop the process, he decides to "flash" himself.