Rick OstermannSchauspieler:
Jördis Triebel, Levin Liam, Helena Phil, Vivien Ciskowski, Patrick Lorenczat, Willow Voges-Fernandes, Til-Niklas Theinert1947. Ein ehemals ostpreußisches Dorf unter sowjetischer Besatzung. Als die Mutter des 14-jährige Hans und seines neunjährigen Bruders Karl den Hungertod stirbt, versuchen die beiden sich nach Litauen durchzuschlagen, wo einige Bauern deutschen Kindern wohl gesonnen sind. Auf ihrer Flucht geraten die Brüder unter Beschuss und werden voneinander getrennt. Der Beginn einer Odyssee, bei der sich Hans getrieben von der Suche nach seinem Bruder einer Gruppe Kinder anschließt, um gemeinsam mit ihnen in einem fremden Land gegen Hunger, Wetter und Krankheit zu kämpfen.
Dialogarm und mit starken Bildern umgesetztes Spielfilmdebüt um eine Gruppe Kinder, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg im Baltikum ums Überleben kämpft.
Wolf Children period drama is inspired by the true story of German troop orphaned children, who between 1946 and 1947 roamed the Soviets occupied areas of the former East Prussia, trying to get to friendly to families in Lithuania. Wolf Children period drama is set in 1946 and follows a group of war orphans who are struggling to survive in the ruins of post-war Europe. The plot focuses on fourteen Hans who after the death of their mother decides to go with his younger brother Charles to Lithuania. The brothers, however, are on their way compelled to flee before Soviet troops and unplanned splits. Hans, driven by the seemingly hopeless desire to find his brother, joins the group of orphans nicknamed wolf children to the territory of a foreign country waged unequal struggle with hunger, weather and disease. After losing a war in the former Prussian region fell to the Soviet Union find themselves in the position of game two brothers - the older Hans (Levin Liam) and younger Fritzen (...
Wolf Children period drama is inspired by the true story of German troop orphaned children, who between 1946 and 1947 roamed the Soviets occupied areas of the former East Prussia, trying to get to friendly to families in Lithuania. Wolf Children period drama is set in 1946 and follows a group of war orphans who are struggling to survive in the ruins of post-war Europe. The plot focuses on fourteen Hans who after the death of their mother decides to go with his younger brother Charles to Lithuania. The brothers, however, are on their way compelled to flee before Soviet troops and unplanned splits. Hans, driven by the seemingly hopeless desire to find his brother, joins the group of orphans nicknamed wolf children to the territory of a foreign country waged unequal struggle with hunger, weather and disease. After losing a war in the former Prussian region fell to the Soviet Union find themselves in the position of game two brothers - the older Hans (Levin Liam) and younger Fritzen (...