Zwei Kerle aus Granit
Peter CollinsonSchauspieler:
Tony Curtis, Charles Bronson, Michèle Mercier, Patrick Magee, Horst Janson, Leo Gordon, John Alderson, Grégoire Aslan, Fikret Hakan, Salih Güney, Tony Bonner, John Acheson, Reed De Rouen, Yuskel Gozen, Henia Halil, Suna KeskinDie beiden Abenteurer Adam Dyer und Josh Corey kämpfen vor dem Hintergrund des Ersten Weltkrieges im Osmanischen Reich für den eigenen Profit. Mit viel Einfallsreichtum schmuggeln sie Maschinengewehre, um rebellische Unruhen niederzuschlagen. Ein Spezialauftrag führt sie zu einem Zug, den sie gemeinsam nach Smyrna und schließlich nach Kairo eskortieren sollen.
Two former U.S. Army soldiers, Adam Dyer and Josh Corey, join a band of Turkish mercenaries in 1922 Turkey whom are hired by Osman Bey, a local governor, to escort his three daughters to Smyran and to protect a gold shipment that is to accompany them. Nobody is aware that Elci, a local colonel, plans to seal the gold for himself, while a rebel general persuses all parties involved.
Two former U.S. Army soldiers, Adam Dyer and Josh Corey, join a band of Turkish mercenaries in 1922 Turkey whom are hired by Osman Bey, a local governor, to escort his three daughters to Smyran and to protect a gold shipment that is to accompany them. Nobody is aware that Elci, a local colonel, plans to seal the gold for himself, while a rebel general persuses all parties involved.