Another Period
Riki Lindhome, Natasha LeggeroSchauspieler:
Riki Lindhome, Natasha Leggero, Jason Ritter, Armen Weitzman, Michael Ian Black, Beth Dover, Paget Brewster, Donna Lynne Champlin, Brett Gelman, Lauren Ash, David Wain, Alice Hunter, David Koechner, Brian HuskeyDie Comedy „Another Period“ ist eine Art Fake-Doku über eine reiche Promifamilie, vergleichbar mit den Kardashians oder den Geissens. Der Clou ist allerdings, dass diese fiktive Familie im Jahr 1902 lebt. Die Bellacourts sind die „erste Familie“ in Newport, Richmond. Sie haben der Welt eigentlich nichts zu bieten, aber eine Menge Geld auszugeben. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Schwestern Lillian (Natasha Leggero) und Beatrice (Riki Lindhome), deren Gedanken sich lediglich darum drehen, wie sie aussehen, welche Partys sie besuchen sollen und wie sie berühmt werden können – was zur vorletzten Jahrhundertwende noch wesentlich schwieriger war als in unserem Internetzeitalter.
Before others claimed their fame, there was one American family that stood for all that was spoiled, shameless and stupid. Meet the Bellacourts - Newport, RI's first family of the Gilded Age. They are The Original Ballers. They have tons of money, live in a big-ass mansion and employ a whole team of Fonzworth Bentleys. However, the Bellacourts' servants have to do a lot more than hold umbrellas. The original out of touch reality family is coming to Comedy Central in Another Period, a turn-of-the-century historical and satirical scripted series that follows the insanely ridiculous and debaucherous life of the Bellacourts, who have more servants than relatives and whose days are filled with money, sex, drugs and more money. Another Period centers on the Bellacourt sisters, Lillian and Beatrice, who only care about being rich and becoming super famous (which is a lot harder in 1902).
Before others claimed their fame, there was one American family that stood for all that was spoiled, shameless and stupid. Meet the Bellacourts - Newport, RI's first family of the Gilded Age. They are The Original Ballers. They have tons of money, live in a big-ass mansion and employ a whole team of Fonzworth Bentleys. However, the Bellacourts' servants have to do a lot more than hold umbrellas. The original out of touch reality family is coming to Comedy Central in Another Period, a turn-of-the-century historical and satirical scripted series that follows the insanely ridiculous and debaucherous life of the Bellacourts, who have more servants than relatives and whose days are filled with money, sex, drugs and more money. Another Period centers on the Bellacourt sisters, Lillian and Beatrice, who only care about being rich and becoming super famous (which is a lot harder in 1902).