Astra Lost in Space
Yoshimasa Hosoya, Inori Minase, Shunsuke Takeuchi, Tomoyo Kurosawa, Hina Kino, Risae Matsuda, Kouki Uchiyama, Saori Hayami, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Hitomi NabatameIm Jahr 2061 sind Weltraumreisen längst alltäglich geworden und neun Schüler der Caird-Oberschule treten ihren Schulausflug zu einem interplanetaren Ferienlager an. Kurz nach der Ankunft ereignet sich jedoch ein unerklärlicher Zwischenfall: Eine mysteriöse Sphäre aus Licht teleportiert die Schüler mitten ins All und lässt sie, 5012 Lichtjahre von ihrem Heimatplaneten entfernt, zurück. Dort entdecken die Teenager ein verlassenes Raumschiff und nun liegt es in ihren Händen, das Beste aus der verzweifelten Situation zu machen. Um wieder nach Hause zu kehren, müssen sie sich der gefährlichen Situation stellen, ihre begrenzten Ressourcen gut verwalten und vor allem Teamgeist beweisen!
The year is 2061, when space travel is now possible and commercially viable, and the students of Caird High School embark on their Planet Camp. But soon after Group B5 arrived at their planetary camp site, a mysterious and unforeseen sentient light sphere warps its 9 members into outer space, stranding them 5012 light years away from their home planet. With the discovery of an old, unmanned spaceship nearby, the students must stay strong, manage their limited resources and remain united in the darkness of space, so that all of them can survive their long and likely perilous trek back home aboard the Astra.
The year is 2061, when space travel is now possible and commercially viable, and the students of Caird High School embark on their Planet Camp. But soon after Group B5 arrived at their planetary camp site, a mysterious and unforeseen sentient light sphere warps its 9 members into outer space, stranding them 5012 light years away from their home planet. With the discovery of an old, unmanned spaceship nearby, the students must stay strong, manage their limited resources and remain united in the darkness of space, so that all of them can survive their long and likely perilous trek back home aboard the Astra.