Chaos City
Bill Lawrence, Gary David GoldbergSchauspieler:
Alan Ruck, Michael Boatman, Charlie Sheen, Richard Kind, Heather Locklear, Lana Parrilla, Barry Bostwick, Connie Britton, Carla Gugino, Jennifer Esposito, Michael J. Fox, Alexander Chaplin, Victoria DillardDreh- und Angelpunkt der Serie ist der Spin-Doctor Mike Flaherty, der stellvertretende Bürgermeister von New York, rechte Hand seines zuweilen weltfremden Chefs, Bürgermeister Randall Winston. Seine Untergebenen sind der tollpatschige Pressesprecher Paul Lassiter, der sexistische Schürzenjäger Stuart, der homosexuelle Minderheitenbeauftragte Gordon (im Original: Carter), der schüchterne Hinterwäldler James und Nikki, die stets nach dem Mann fürs Leben Ausschau hält.
Neben dem Privatleben der Charaktere ist das politische Tagesgeschäft Handlungsschwerpunkt. Oft gilt es für alle Beteiligten, einen Fauxpas des Bürgermeisters auszumerzen oder geschickt kleinzureden.
Spin City is a smart, sophisticated sitcom about the behind-the-scenes workings of City Hall in the biggest city in America. Workaholic Mike Flaherty is the Deputy Mayor of New York City, serving as Mayor Randall Winston's key strategist and much-needed handler. Mike runs the city with the help of his oddball staff: an anxious and insecure press secretary; a sexist, boorish chief of staff; an impeccably groomed gay activist running minority affairs; a sharp and efficient, man-crazy accountant; and an idealistic young speechwriter. Like Mike, they are all professionally capable but personally challenged.
Spin City is a smart, sophisticated sitcom about the behind-the-scenes workings of City Hall in the biggest city in America. Workaholic Mike Flaherty is the Deputy Mayor of New York City, serving as Mayor Randall Winston's key strategist and much-needed handler. Mike runs the city with the help of his oddball staff: an anxious and insecure press secretary; a sexist, boorish chief of staff; an impeccably groomed gay activist running minority affairs; a sharp and efficient, man-crazy accountant; and an idealistic young speechwriter. Like Mike, they are all professionally capable but personally challenged.