Das Internat: Las Cumbres
Laura BellosoSchauspieler:
Albert Salazar, Daniel Arias, Daniela Rubio, Carlos Alcaide, Sara Balerdi, Lucas Velasco, Asia Ortega, Natalia Dicenta, Ramiro Blas, Mina El Hammani, Claudia Riera, Paula del Río, Francisca Aronsson, Alberto Amarilla, Joel Bosqued, Patxi SantamariaNach einem gescheiterten Fluchtversuch verschwindet Manuel in den Händen eines mysteriösen Mannes mit Rabenmaske im Wald. Trotz der herrschenden strengen Disziplin suchen Paul, Amaia und ihre Freunde ununterbrochen nach ihm. In ihrem Abenteuer entdecken Sie, dass der alte Bund, der den Walt bewohnte, das Rabennest, noch immer Verbrechen begeht und dass das Internat mehr ist als nur eine Schule.
El Internado: Las Cumbres takes place in a school located next to an old monastery, in an inaccessible spot between the mountains, isolated from the world. The students are rebellious and problematic kids who will live under the strict and severe regime of discipline imposed by the center to reintegrate them into society. The surrounding forest is home to ancient legends, ever-present threats that will plunge the students into thrilling and terrifying adventures.
El Internado: Las Cumbres takes place in a school located next to an old monastery, in an inaccessible spot between the mountains, isolated from the world. The students are rebellious and problematic kids who will live under the strict and severe regime of discipline imposed by the center to reintegrate them into society. The surrounding forest is home to ancient legends, ever-present threats that will plunge the students into thrilling and terrifying adventures.