Das Model und der Schnüffler
Glenn Gordon CaronSchauspieler:
Cybill Shepherd, Bruce Willis, Allyce Beasley, Curtis ArmstrongNachdem Topmodel Maddie Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) von ihrem Manager betrogen und um ihr gesamtes Vermögen gebracht wurde, steht sie vor den Scherben ihrer Existenz. Alles was ihr geblieben ist, ist ihr Haus, ihr Aussehen, ihre Intelligenz und ein heruntergekommenes Detektivbüro. Das will sie eigentlich verkaufen, da sie auf das Geld angewiesen ist. Doch David Addison (Bruce Willis), der einzige noch verbliebene Ermittler, kann sie schließlich davon abbringen und dazu überreden, mit ihr auf Ganovenjagd zu gehen.
Maddie Hayes, a wealthy former model, discovers one morning that her business manager has stolen all the money she has in the bank. However, it turns out that she still owns some non-liquid assets -- money-losing companies which were maintained as tax write-offs -- one of which is a detective agency run by David Addison. Maddie meets with him to inform him that the company is to be shut down, but he persuades her to keep it open by convincing her that the detective agency can make money. Maddie becomes David's new boss and accompanies him on adventure after adventure. While their personalities clash, a sexual tension arises in the time they spend together. But the question always remains... will they or won't they?
Maddie Hayes, a wealthy former model, discovers one morning that her business manager has stolen all the money she has in the bank. However, it turns out that she still owns some non-liquid assets -- money-losing companies which were maintained as tax write-offs -- one of which is a detective agency run by David Addison. Maddie meets with him to inform him that the company is to be shut down, but he persuades her to keep it open by convincing her that the detective agency can make money. Maddie becomes David's new boss and accompanies him on adventure after adventure. While their personalities clash, a sexual tension arises in the time they spend together. But the question always remains... will they or won't they?