Der Bestatter
Barbara Terpoorten, Reto Stalder, Mathias Gnädinger, Martin Ostermeier, Samuel Streiff, Suly Röthlisberger, Carlos Leal, Mike MüllerEin unfreiwilliges und unkonventionelles Duo geht in der Kleinstadt Aarau auf Verbrecherjagd. Der Beerdigungsunternehmer Luc Conrad überschreitet dabei immer wieder Kompetenzen. Als Bestatter ist der frühere Polizist für die trauernden Hinterbliebenen ein Helfer und Tröster, bleibt dabei sachlich, unauffällig, aufmerksam – und erfährt Dinge, die kein Kriminalbeamter je erfahren würde. Und wenn Luc dann an der Natürlichkeit eines Todes zu zweifeln beginnt, wird er wieder zum Ermittler, sehr zum Leidwesen von Kommissarin Anna-Maria Giovanoli.
Der Bestatter tells the story of a detective (Luc Conrad) who leaves the force to take over the family business as an undertaker at the same time as he is being investigated for murder. His close encounters with corpses and his earlier police training lead him to see things some of his ex-colleagues miss and he investigates the crimes he encounters in an unofficial capacity often to the dismay of he official police.
Der Bestatter tells the story of a detective (Luc Conrad) who leaves the force to take over the family business as an undertaker at the same time as he is being investigated for murder. His close encounters with corpses and his earlier police training lead him to see things some of his ex-colleagues miss and he investigates the crimes he encounters in an unofficial capacity often to the dismay of he official police.