Die Wespe
Jan BergerSchauspieler:
Florian Lukas, Lisa Wagner, Leonard Scheicher, Ulrich Noethen, Sahin Eryilmaz, Taneshia AbtIm Mittelpunkt der sechsteiligen Dramedy-Serie „Die Wespe“ steht ein abgehalfterter Profi-Dartspieler, der versucht, sich aus einem Tief hinaus zu arbeiten: Eddi Frotzke (Florian Lukas) hat schon bessere Tage erlebt. Sein einstiger Ruhm ist mittlerweile dahin, seine Einnahmen ausgegeben und nun hat ihn auch noch Ziehsohn Kevin (Leonard Scheicher) in der Rangliste überholt. Nicht nur das: Bei einem Turnier wird Eddi, Kampfname „Die Wespe“, von Kevin in Grund und Boden gespielt und zu allem Überfluss findet er heraus, dass seine Frau Manu (Lisa Wagner) fremdgeht.
Professional dartsplayer Eddie is in a crisis. Fame gone, money gone, wife gone and physical fitness also leaves much to be desired. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, who is also a rusty dart professional, but with a strong tendency towards alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career and to prove that he was not called "the wasp" for nothing. Easier said than done...
Professional dartsplayer Eddie is in a crisis. Fame gone, money gone, wife gone and physical fitness also leaves much to be desired. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, who is also a rusty dart professional, but with a strong tendency towards alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career and to prove that he was not called "the wasp" for nothing. Easier said than done...