Dublin Murders
Sarah PhelpsSchauspieler:
Ian Kenny, Eugene O'Hare, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Killian Scott, Moe Dunford, Sarah Greene, Jonny Holden, Leah McNamara, Peter McDonald, Conleth Hill, Kathy Monahan, Sam Keeley, Alexandra Moen, Ned Dennehy, Jonathan Forbes, Antonio AakeelDie letzten Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts sind in Irland auch als die sogenannten Celtic Tiger-Jahre bekannt – eine Zeit, in der die Tech-Industrie dem Land einen finanziellen Boom bescherte. Die Ermittler Rob Reilly (Killian Scott) und Cassie Maddox (Sarah Greene) haben zunächst den Mord an einer jungen Ballerina aufzuklären, die tot auf einem antiken Stein-Altar aufgefunden wird. Wenig später wird auch die Leiche einer lebensfrohen Frau in einer alten Hütte entdeckt. Zunächst scheinen die Fälle nichts miteinander zu tun zu haben. Ein Eindruck, der trügt.
Set during the height of the Celtic Tiger financial boom of the millennium, Dublin Murders is focused on two murder investigations led by ambitious and charismatic Detectives Rob Reilly and Cassie Maddox. The victims - a young talented ballerina who is found dead on an ancient stone altar; and a vivacious free-spirited woman, who is found stabbed in a roofless famine cottage - are seemingly unrelated, but as we will discover, are actually knitted together by powerful shared themes - the macabre ‘red in tooth and claw' elements of both stories, and their heart-thumping psychological thriller qualities.
Set during the height of the Celtic Tiger financial boom of the millennium, Dublin Murders is focused on two murder investigations led by ambitious and charismatic Detectives Rob Reilly and Cassie Maddox. The victims - a young talented ballerina who is found dead on an ancient stone altar; and a vivacious free-spirited woman, who is found stabbed in a roofless famine cottage - are seemingly unrelated, but as we will discover, are actually knitted together by powerful shared themes - the macabre ‘red in tooth and claw' elements of both stories, and their heart-thumping psychological thriller qualities.