Familie Feuerstein
William Hanna, Joseph BarberaSchauspieler:
Mel Blanc, Daws Butler, Alan Reed, Bea Benaderet, Gerry Johnson, Jean Vander Pyl, Mel Blanc, Daws Butler, Don Messick, Jean Vander PylFamilie Feuerstein ist eine US-amerikanische, von Hanna-Barbera produzierte Zeichentrickserie. Lange Zeit galt sie als die erfolgreichste Zeichentrickserie, bis sie 1997 von den Simpsons eingeholt wurde. Zunächst liefen sechs Staffeln vom 30. September 1960 bis 1966 auf dem amerikanischen Fernsehsender ABC in der „Primetime“ (Hauptsendezeit), bis die Serie anschließend Teil der „Saturday morning cartoons“ wurde.
Join the fun in the town of Bedrock with the this fabulously famous modern Stone-Age family. Mowing the lawn with a saw-toothed dinosaur, showering with water sprayed from a woolly mammoth's trunk and eating brontosaurus burgers are everyday events for the lovable Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their friends Barney and Betty Rubble. Living in prehistoric times has its drawbacks, but the Flintstones and their neighbors survive in style. So have a yabba-dabba-doo time with the The Flintstones.
Join the fun in the town of Bedrock with the this fabulously famous modern Stone-Age family. Mowing the lawn with a saw-toothed dinosaur, showering with water sprayed from a woolly mammoth's trunk and eating brontosaurus burgers are everyday events for the lovable Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their friends Barney and Betty Rubble. Living in prehistoric times has its drawbacks, but the Flintstones and their neighbors survive in style. So have a yabba-dabba-doo time with the The Flintstones.