Samuel Finzi, Claudia MichelsenSamuel Finzi spielt den Kriminalpsychologen Dr. Vincent Flemming. Claudia Michelsen ist Ann Gittel, Leiterin der Mordkommission und Flemmings frisch geschiedene Ehefrau. Ein Psychotherapeut in der Mordkommission hat die Aufgabe, Täter zu überführen; seine Berufung ist es, Menschen zu heilen. Er will nicht in erster Linie Schuldige bestrafen, sondern sie wieder ins Leben bringen. Mit diesem Denkansatz macht er sich nicht nur Freunde und gerät vor allem mit dem Leitenden Kriminaldirektor immer wieder aneinander ...
The work of Dr. Vincent Flemming, a psychotherapist whose purpose is to heal people, is a constant conflict with his function in the Homicide Division of the Berlin Police Department, where the task is to convict offenders. This work is especially problematic because his immediate supervisor is his ex-wife, Ann Gittel. Dr. Flemming has become internationally renowned through his university lectures, but is best known for his radio show "The Tricks of the Soul".
The work of Dr. Vincent Flemming, a psychotherapist whose purpose is to heal people, is a constant conflict with his function in the Homicide Division of the Berlin Police Department, where the task is to convict offenders. This work is especially problematic because his immediate supervisor is his ex-wife, Ann Gittel. Dr. Flemming has become internationally renowned through his university lectures, but is best known for his radio show "The Tricks of the Soul".