Forsthaus Rampensau Germany
Gina-Lisa Lohfink, Florian Simbeck, John FriedmannNeun Promis wohnen im „Forsthaus Rampensau Germany“ mit ihren ebenfalls prominenten Lebenspartner*innen, Freund*innen oder Familienmitgliedern unter permanenter Kamerabeobachtung in einem Selbstversorger-Forsthaus.
German adaption of the Austrian trash TV series Forsthaus Rampensau (2022) in which a group of celebrity couples move into a secluded forester's lodge in the foothills of Carinthia to battle for 25,000 euros and the title of "Ramp...
German adaption of the Austrian trash TV series Forsthaus Rampensau (2022) in which a group of celebrity couples move into a secluded forester's lodge in the foothills of Carinthia to battle for 25,000 euros and the title of "Ramp...