Tim SmithSchnapsbrennen ohne Lizenz ist in den USA verboten. Doch um Gesetze kümmern sich Tim, „Tickle“ und „Popcorn“ nur wenig. In ihre gewohnte Lebensweise lassen sich die Männer mit den blauen Latzhosen nur ungern von Fremden dreinreden. Das gilt besonders fürs „Moonshining“, denn das hat in Virginia eine lange Tradition. Bereits im 17. Jahrhundert destillierten hier die ersten Siedler in selbstgebauten Apparaturen ihren hochprozentigen Alkohol. Und daran hat sich bis heute wenig geändert. So haben die alteingesessenen Bewohner überhaupt kein Verständnis dafür, dass der Staat an ihrem lukrativen Gewerbe kräftig mitverdienen möchte. Anstatt Steuern zu bezahlen, ziehen sie sich lieber tief in die Wälder Virginias zurück, um ihr illegales Handwerk an geheimen Orten auszuüben – dort, wo sie für Gesetzeshüter kaum zu finden sind. Die neue Doku-Serie zeigt das riskante und spannende Leben einer eingeschworenen Gemeinschaft in den Appalachian Mountains.
The secret and illegal world of moonshining stretches all across Appalachia raking in a pretty penny for those who choose to shine. Moonshiners will go to unprecedented extremes in their efforts to hide their still sites and cloak their distribution networks, some can hide in plain sight. With new styles of shine being tested and sold there is a king's ransom waiting for those bold enough to grab it. But those who enforce the law are wise to shiner deceptions and more determined than ever to catch them red handed and in the act of making Moonshine. The day of reckoning may be around the corner, but don't sell the Moonshiners short. Each has a keen understanding of how to stay one step ahead of the law in their region, and in this ongoing cat and mouse game you never know who will end up in the trap.
The secret and illegal world of moonshining stretches all across Appalachia raking in a pretty penny for those who choose to shine. Moonshiners will go to unprecedented extremes in their efforts to hide their still sites and cloak their distribution networks, some can hide in plain sight. With new styles of shine being tested and sold there is a king's ransom waiting for those bold enough to grab it. But those who enforce the law are wise to shiner deceptions and more determined than ever to catch them red handed and in the act of making Moonshine. The day of reckoning may be around the corner, but don't sell the Moonshiners short. Each has a keen understanding of how to stay one step ahead of the law in their region, and in this ongoing cat and mouse game you never know who will end up in the trap.