Huff - Reif für die Couch
Bob LowrySchauspieler:
Jack Laufer, Paget Brewster, Andy Comeau, Anton Yelchin, Hank Azaria, Blythe Danner, Kimberly Moss, Oliver PlattDr. Craig Huffstodt ist ein anerkannter und erfolgreicher Psychotherapeut mit einer gut gehenden Praxis. Seine langjährige Ehe mit Beth ist ihm ein Refugium der Wärme und Sicherheit. Bislang war die Erziehung des gemeinsamen Sohnes Byrd frei von Schwierigkeiten. Trotzdem scheint er selbst einem Burn-Out nahe zu sein ...
Ruhe und Klarheit findet der Therapeut in der Krise bei seinem jüngeren Bruder Teddy, der in einer geschlossenen psychatrischen Anstalt sitzt. Nur bei ihm scheint es Huff zu gelingen, seine Gedanken zu sammeln und seine familiäre und berufliche Situation zu erkennen. Doch Erkenntnis allein ist noch keine Lösung. Und so gerät der anerkannte Psychotherapeut in eine Spirale aus Selbstzweifeln, Ängsten und Konflikten, die ihn und seine Grundfesten mehr und mehr erschüttern.
Huff is a very successful psychiatrist who is thrown into turmoil after a 15 year old patient commits suicide in his office. Now Dr. Huff has to work in his home now that his office is part of a investigation. It's not as easy as it seems, his family lives in his house! Which means there will be a long way before he adjusts to have to work in his house. And Huff is feeling guilty because he felt he could save the 15 year old but he couldn't, but he still has a friend (Oliver Platt) to cheer him up with his comicness. Huff's family consists of his son Byrd (Anton Yelchin), brother Teddy (Andy Comeau), his antagonistic mother Izzy (Blythe Danner), who is critical and nosy, but means well, and his strong-willed wife Beth (Paget Brewster). This is the story of a psychiatrist who has spent his entire life helping others find peace and clarity while his own state of mind is in constant que
Huff is a very successful psychiatrist who is thrown into turmoil after a 15 year old patient commits suicide in his office. Now Dr. Huff has to work in his home now that his office is part of a investigation. It's not as easy as it seems, his family lives in his house! Which means there will be a long way before he adjusts to have to work in his house. And Huff is feeling guilty because he felt he could save the 15 year old but he couldn't, but he still has a friend (Oliver Platt) to cheer him up with his comicness. Huff's family consists of his son Byrd (Anton Yelchin), brother Teddy (Andy Comeau), his antagonistic mother Izzy (Blythe Danner), who is critical and nosy, but means well, and his strong-willed wife Beth (Paget Brewster). This is the story of a psychiatrist who has spent his entire life helping others find peace and clarity while his own state of mind is in constant que