Immer Ärger mit Newton
Andrew KnightSchauspieler:
Peter Keleghan, Tracey Moore, Carolyn Scott, Harland Williams, Colin O'Meara, Ron PardoDer kleine Ned kauft sich eines Tages einen Molch mit dem jedoch nichts los ist. Als Ned sich in der Zoohandlung beschwert, rät ihm der Verkäufer dem Molch ein besonderes Futter zu geben. Das Futter lässt den Molch vorübergehend mutieren. Immer wenn er es frisst wird er riesengroß, kann sprechen und besitzt übernatürliche Kräfte. Von da an erlebt Ned mit seinem Haustier namens Newton Abenteuer.
What happens when Ned overfeeds his 4 inch-long, lethargic pet newt with Zippo Newt Food? That little, harmless newt turns into a five hundred-pound monster called Newton: the most mischievous, gluttonous, fun playmate ever! An incredible mimic, Newton can camouflage himself to avoid detection from grown-ups and other kids, and is always there to lend a sympathetic ear or clown around with his best pal Ned. This can be a real problem when Mom wants to know who destroyed the shag rug with the lawnmower - but works great when Ned needs help standing his ground with the school bully. Ned and Newton are inseparable.
What happens when Ned overfeeds his 4 inch-long, lethargic pet newt with Zippo Newt Food? That little, harmless newt turns into a five hundred-pound monster called Newton: the most mischievous, gluttonous, fun playmate ever! An incredible mimic, Newton can camouflage himself to avoid detection from grown-ups and other kids, and is always there to lend a sympathetic ear or clown around with his best pal Ned. This can be a real problem when Mom wants to know who destroyed the shag rug with the lawnmower - but works great when Ned needs help standing his ground with the school bully. Ned and Newton are inseparable.