Michael Curtis, Roger S.H. SchulmanSchauspieler:
Nick Jonas, John Ducey, Chelsea Kane, Nicole Gale Anderson, Joe Jonas, Kevin JonasNick, Kevin, und Joe Lucas sind Superstars und Pop Idole, die jeden Abend Konzertsäle zum Brodeln bringen. Hinter den coolen Klamotten und Gitarren verbergen sich 3 Brüder aus Jersey, die zusammen durch dick und dünn gehen. Sie sind nicht nur super Musiker und "leben ihren Traum", sie wohnen immer noch bei ihren Eltern, zusammen mit dem kleinen Bruder Frankie. Ihre besten Kumpel sind Stella Malone, Stil Guru und Mode Fetischist - sie glaubt Klamotten SIND der sechste Sinn; und Super Fan Macy Misa, die fortwährend und unkontrollierbar in Verzückung gerät, was meistens dazu führt, dass sich jemand verletzt.
Die 3 Brüder sind wahrscheinlich die einzigen Superstars, die das Geschirr abwaschen müssen. Aber das nehmen sie gerne in Kauf. Denn was kann großartiger sein, als seinen Traum leben.
JONAS is the hottest rock band on the planet! Band members Nick, Kevin, and Joe Lucas (played by real-life stars The Jonas Brothers) are superstar pop idols who tear up the stage, night after night, causing severe outbreaks of JONAS-induced hysteria. But behind the cool clothes and sleek guitars, they're just three boys from New Jersey who are living the dream. These ultra-talented brothers still live at home with Mom, Dad, and little brother Frankie. At school, they hang out with lifelong friend and style guru Stella Malone who believes fashion is the sixth sense. And when their classmate -- and major fan -- Macy gets uncontrollably excited around them, usually someone's going to get hurt. These brothers are probably the only superstar idols who still have to do the dishes, but they know how lucky they are to be living the dream.
JONAS is the hottest rock band on the planet! Band members Nick, Kevin, and Joe Lucas (played by real-life stars The Jonas Brothers) are superstar pop idols who tear up the stage, night after night, causing severe outbreaks of JONAS-induced hysteria. But behind the cool clothes and sleek guitars, they're just three boys from New Jersey who are living the dream. These ultra-talented brothers still live at home with Mom, Dad, and little brother Frankie. At school, they hang out with lifelong friend and style guru Stella Malone who believes fashion is the sixth sense. And when their classmate -- and major fan -- Macy gets uncontrollably excited around them, usually someone's going to get hurt. These brothers are probably the only superstar idols who still have to do the dishes, but they know how lucky they are to be living the dream.