IMDB Rating
Voting: 6.5 /10 (6.6k)
Trailer: YouTube

Lipstick Jungle



DeAnn Heline, Eileen Heisler


Kim Raver, Brooke Shields, Andrew McCarthy, David Alan Basche, David Noroña, Robert Buckley, Paul Blackthorne, Lindsay Price
Basierend auf dem Buch Lipstick Jungle von Candace Bushnell ("Sex and the City") handelt die einstündige Dramaserie von drei erfolgreichen Geschäftsfrauen, die in New York "ihren Mann stehen": Brooke Shields als Boss einer Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mit Mann und zwei Kindern, Kim Raver als Magazinchefin, die einen ihrer damaligen Professoren geheiratet hat sowie Lindsay Price als Modeschöpferin in einer kleinen Lebenskrise und einer massiven Geschäftskrise.

Based on the best-selling book by Candace Bushnell ("Sex and the City"), this sexy drama follows three high-powered friends as they weather the ups and downs of lives lived at the top of their game.Movie exec Wendy does everything she can to balance career and family. Nico, editor-in-chief of a hot fashion magazine, has her eye on becoming CEO. And free-spirited designer Victory longs to make her dreams come true -- and maybe find "Mr. Right" along the way.Armed with humor and strength, these three modern New York women support one another through the triumphs and tears that are all part of making it big in the Big Apple.
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    Lipstick Jungle (2008)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 20.04.2018 - Lipstick.Jungle.S01E01.Turbulenzen.German.WS.DVDRip.XviD-EXPiRED

    Summary & Details

    Basierend auf dem Buch Lipstick Jungle von Candace Bushnell ("Sex and the City") handelt die einstündige Dramaserie von drei erfolgreichen Geschäftsfrauen, die in New York "ihren Mann stehen": Brooke Shields als Boss einer Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mit Mann und zwei Kindern, Kim Raver als Magazinchefin, die einen ihrer damaligen Professoren geheiratet hat sowie Lindsay Price als Modeschöpferin in einer kleinen Lebenskrise und einer massiven Geschäftskrise.

    Based on the best-selling book by Candace Bushnell ("Sex and the City"), this sexy drama follows three high-powered friends as they weather the ups and downs of lives lived at the top of their game.Movie exec Wendy does everything she can to balance career and family. Nico, editor-in-chief of a hot fashion magazine, has her eye on becoming CEO. And free-spirited designer Victory longs to make her dreams come true -- and maybe find "Mr. Right" along the way.Armed with humor and strength, these three modern New York women support one another through the triumphs and tears that are all part of making it big in the Big Apple.


    ~47 Min.

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    Timothy Busfield, DeAnn Heline, Eileen Heisler, Oliver Goldstick, Robin Schiff

