Noé DebréSchauspieler:
Liz Kingsman, Xavier LacailleSamy (Xavier Lacaille) fängt direkt nach der Brexit-Abstimmung im Europäischen Parlament in Brüssel als Praktikant an. Zwar hat er an der Uni viel über Europa gelernt, doch auf seinen neuen Posten wurde er in keiner Weise vorbereitet. So bleibt ihm nur zu hoffen, dass er mit seinem Einfallsreichtum schnell seinen Platz finden wird. Allzu viel Eingewöhnungszeit bleibt ihm allerdings nicht: Von der deutschen Abgeordneten Ingeborg (Christiane Paul) bekommt er unmittelbar eine schwierige Mission aufgehalst: Er soll einen Gesetzesentwurf gegen das Abtrennen von Haifischflossen – das sogenannte „Finning“ – entwerfen. Wie man das umsetzt, hat Samy keine Ahnung – und nur sechs Monate Zeit, um das Problem zu lösen und ein echter Insider der Geheimnisse des Parlaments zu werden. Es stellen sich ihm fast unüberwindliche Hindernisse in den Weg. Samy wird belogen und betrogen und fällt auf falsche Freunde rein. Zudem sitzt ihm ständig die penible Ingeborg im Nacken, die ein Politprofi ist und ihn keine Sekunde vom Haken lässt. Samy beginnt also seinen eigenen Feldzug.
Samy, a young European parliamentary assistant arrives in Brussels a few weeks after the Brexit referendum. He is obviously not fit for the job. In fact, Samy doesn't know much about European institutions and he hopes to get away with it thanks to his wit and cleverness - Well, though luck: he gets quickly assigned an obscure mission : write a report on finning (the act of removing fins from sharks and discarding the rest of the animal). How do you get a report adopted at the European Parliament? Samy has no clue. He has six months to make it, six months to master the secrets of the Parliament. Powerful forces will work against him - to start with, a general indifference. Nobody cares about saving sharks - they are far less popular than dolphins. Samy embarks on a journey made of trials and sacrifices, alternating between psychodrama and comedy. For the first time in his life, he mustn't do his best - but his job. At the end of season one of The Parliament, Samy will have changed the world. Well, just a tiny bit, but still, Samy will have made a difference. And to be honest, there are not so many youngsters who can say so.
Samy, a young European parliamentary assistant arrives in Brussels a few weeks after the Brexit referendum. He is obviously not fit for the job. In fact, Samy doesn't know much about European institutions and he hopes to get away with it thanks to his wit and cleverness - Well, though luck: he gets quickly assigned an obscure mission : write a report on finning (the act of removing fins from sharks and discarding the rest of the animal). How do you get a report adopted at the European Parliament? Samy has no clue. He has six months to make it, six months to master the secrets of the Parliament. Powerful forces will work against him - to start with, a general indifference. Nobody cares about saving sharks - they are far less popular than dolphins. Samy embarks on a journey made of trials and sacrifices, alternating between psychodrama and comedy. For the first time in his life, he mustn't do his best - but his job. At the end of season one of The Parliament, Samy will have changed the world. Well, just a tiny bit, but still, Samy will have made a difference. And to be honest, there are not so many youngsters who can say so.