Ranking of Kings
Minami Hinata, Ayumu Murase, Yûki KajiBojji, ein tauber, machtloser Prinz, der nicht einmal ein Kinderschwert schwingen kann. Als erstgeborener Sohn bemüht er sich sehr und träumt davon, der größte König der Welt zu werden. Doch die Leute tuscheln hinter seinem Rücken über ihn als "Taugenichts" und "der kann doch nicht König werden". Bojji findet seinen allerersten Freund, "Kage" (Schatten) - ein buchstäblicher Schatten auf dem Boden, der Bojji irgendwie gut versteht. (Kage ist ein Überlebender des Kage-Assassinenclans, der fast ausgelöscht wurde. Kage ist kein Killer mehr und schlägt sich nun mit Diebstahl durch). Die Geschichte folgt Bojjis Erwachsenwerden, während er verschiedenen Menschen in seinem Leben begegnet, beginnend mit seiner schicksalhaften Begegnung mit Kage.
Bojji, a deaf, powerless prince who cannot even wield a children's sword. As the firstborn son, he strives hard and dreams of becoming the world's greatest king. However, people mutter about him behind his back as "a good-for-nothing prince" and "no way he can be king." Bojji is able to make his first ever friend, "Kage" (shadow) — a literal shadow on the ground who somehow understands Bojji well. (Kage is a survivor of the Kage assassin clan that was all but wiped out. No longer a killer, Kage now makes ends meet by stealing.) The story follows Bojji's coming-of-age as he meets various people in his life, starting with his fateful encounter with Kage.
Bojji, a deaf, powerless prince who cannot even wield a children's sword. As the firstborn son, he strives hard and dreams of becoming the world's greatest king. However, people mutter about him behind his back as "a good-for-nothing prince" and "no way he can be king." Bojji is able to make his first ever friend, "Kage" (shadow) — a literal shadow on the ground who somehow understands Bojji well. (Kage is a survivor of the Kage assassin clan that was all but wiped out. No longer a killer, Kage now makes ends meet by stealing.) The story follows Bojji's coming-of-age as he meets various people in his life, starting with his fateful encounter with Kage.