September Mornings
Liniker, Clodd Dias, Gustavo Coelho, Gero CamiloIn der brasilianischen Miniserie September Mornings („Manhãs de Setembro“) geht es um die Transfrau Cassandra (Liniker) aus Sao Paolo. Sie hat erstmals ihr Leben im Griff. Ihr Freund Ivaoldo (Thomas Aquino) liebt sie, sie hat einen Job als Kurierfahrerin und sie verfolgt ihren Traum, eine Cover-Künstlerin der brasilianischen 70s-Sängerin Vanusa zu werden. Doch eines Tages klopft ihre Ex-Liebhaberin Leide (Karine Teles) an ihre Tür und behauptet, dass ihr Sohn Gersinho (Gustavo Coelho) von ihr ist. Das zwingt sie dazu, sich mit ihrem alten Leben auseinanderzusetzen und ihre Prioritäten evaluieren.
The journey of Cassandra, who starts to see things get on track in her life with a place of her own for the first time, a boyfriend who she loves, Ivaldo, a job as a courier in downtown São Paulo, and fulfilling her dream of being a cover artist of Vanusa, a famous Brazilian singer from the 70s. Her life takes an unexpected turn, however, when her ex, Leide, shows up with Gersinho and claims he is Cassandra’s son.
The journey of Cassandra, who starts to see things get on track in her life with a place of her own for the first time, a boyfriend who she loves, Ivaldo, a job as a courier in downtown São Paulo, and fulfilling her dream of being a cover artist of Vanusa, a famous Brazilian singer from the 70s. Her life takes an unexpected turn, however, when her ex, Leide, shows up with Gersinho and claims he is Cassandra’s son.