The Woman in the Wall
Joe MurtaghSchauspieler:
Ruth Wilson, Daryl McCormack, Simon Delaney, Hilda Fay, Philippa Dunne, Mark Huberman, Dermot Crowley, Frances TomeltyDie sechsteilige Miniserie „The Woman in the Wall“ beschäftigt sich mit den sogenannten „Magdalene Laundries“ in Irland – Einrichtungen der katholischen und protestantischen Kirche, die vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert „gefallene Frauen“ beherbergten, die sich vermeintlich sündhaftem Verhalten wie Schwangerschaft als Teenager oder Ehebruch schuldig gemacht hatten. Die Frauen mussten in den „Waschhäusern“ ein unfreies und von schwerer Arbeit geprägtes Leben führen, bei dem Unterdrückung und Gewalt an der Tagesordnung waren.
Im Zentrum der Serie steht nun Lorna Brady (Ruth Wilson). Eines Morgens wacht sie auf und findet eine Leiche in ihrem Haus. Brady weiß nicht, wer die tote Frau ist oder ob sie etwa selbst mit ihrer Ermordung zu tun hat. Lorna leidet bereits seit längerer Zeit an einer besonders schweren Form des Schlafwandelns. Das Leiden begann, als sie eine Teenagerin war und jahrelang in einer der Magdalene Laundries eingesperrt war.
Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional town of Kilkinure, who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no idea who the dead woman is or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murder…That's because Lorna has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking, understood to have manifested around the time she was ripped from her life at the age of 15 and incarcerated in the Kilkinure Convent. The Convent was home to one of Ireland's infamous Magdalene Laundries, a place where women were taken when they fell afoul of the social norms of their times – from those accused of committing adultery to teenage pregnancies. When it finally closed its doors, a score of survivors were left suffering in its wake. Very few women were able to go on and lead relatively normal lives, and others, such as Lorna, were even less fortunate in their fate. One thing all survivors had in common, is that none of them would ever forget.
Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional town of Kilkinure, who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no idea who the dead woman is or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murder…That's because Lorna has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking, understood to have manifested around the time she was ripped from her life at the age of 15 and incarcerated in the Kilkinure Convent. The Convent was home to one of Ireland's infamous Magdalene Laundries, a place where women were taken when they fell afoul of the social norms of their times – from those accused of committing adultery to teenage pregnancies. When it finally closed its doors, a score of survivors were left suffering in its wake. Very few women were able to go on and lead relatively normal lives, and others, such as Lorna, were even less fortunate in their fate. One thing all survivors had in common, is that none of them would ever forget.