Adam SztykielSchauspieler:
Bianca Kajlich, Brent Morin, Rick Glassman, Ron Funches, Chris D'Elia, David Fynn, Bridgit MendlerDie halbstündige Multi-Camera-Comedy Undateable wird als „bromantic comedy“ beschrieben. Darin dreht sich alles um zwei sehr unterschiedliche Jungs, die durch ihre absolute Unfähigkeit, sich mit Frauen zu verabreden, zusammengeführt werden. Chris D'Elia schlüpft dabei in die Rolle von Danny, einem selbstbewussten und gutaussehenden Typen, der sich nicht darum schert, was andere von ihm denken.
In der Pilotepisode entschließt er sich dazu, seinen Mitbewohner Justin (Brent Morin) und dessen Freunde zu wahren Frauenhelden zu transformieren.
Bianca Kajlich porträtiert Dannys praktisch veranlagte ältere Schwester: Die alleinerziehende Mutter arbeitet vor allem deshalb als Handelsvertreterin für einen Weinhändler, um an kostenlose Proben und neue Männerbekanntschaften zu kommen.
Der junge Comedian und Autor Rick Glassman übernimmt den Part von Burski, der viel Zeit in derselben Kneipe wie Danny und Justin verbringt.
Briga Heelan übernimmt die Rolle der Maddie, einer Kellnerin in der Stammkneipe von Danny und Justin. Sie hat eine Schwäche für Idioten und schlechte Anmachsprüche - und vielleicht auch insgeheim eine für Justin.
Undateable is a comedy series about a group of friends who are this close to finding a relationship - they just need a little help.Whether it's due to a lack of style, the wrong job or even just a bad haircut, everyone goes through a time in their lives when they're undateable. Most of us eventually grow out of it, but some people need a little more help than others. Enter Danny Burton Confident, attractive and impervious to outside opinions, 29-year-old Danny - who may be in a state of arrested development himself - decides to help out his new roommate, Justin Kearney the owner of an unsuccessful bar and a chronic overthinker, and Justin's group of oddball friends - Shelly, Burski and Brett Danny introduces the gang to his recently divorced older sister, Leslie who immediately bonds with this group of guys, as she feels a little stuck in her own life as well. The gang spends most of their time at Justin's bar, helping solve each other's respective problems over beers, and while they love to give each other a hard time, they always have each other's back.
Undateable is a comedy series about a group of friends who are this close to finding a relationship - they just need a little help.Whether it's due to a lack of style, the wrong job or even just a bad haircut, everyone goes through a time in their lives when they're undateable. Most of us eventually grow out of it, but some people need a little more help than others. Enter Danny Burton Confident, attractive and impervious to outside opinions, 29-year-old Danny - who may be in a state of arrested development himself - decides to help out his new roommate, Justin Kearney the owner of an unsuccessful bar and a chronic overthinker, and Justin's group of oddball friends - Shelly, Burski and Brett Danny introduces the gang to his recently divorced older sister, Leslie who immediately bonds with this group of guys, as she feels a little stuck in her own life as well. The gang spends most of their time at Justin's bar, helping solve each other's respective problems over beers, and while they love to give each other a hard time, they always have each other's back.