We Never Learn: Bokuben
Sayumi Suzushiro, Madoka Asahina, Ryota Osaka, Lynn, Haruka Shiraishi, Miyu TomitaIn Bokutachi wa Bekyou ga Dekinai [ … ] folgen wir dem Oberschüler Yuiga Nariyuki, der aus armem Hause kommt und auf Stipendium für sein Studium hofft. Als der Schuleiter seiner Schule ihm diesbezüglich ein unwiderstehliches Angebot macht, wusste der arme Kerl jedoch noch nicht, worauf er sich da einlässt … Er soll nun den Nachhilfelehrer für die beiden Genies Rizu Ogata und Fumino Furuhashi spielen und während das zunächst klingt als wäre es ein Klacks, muss Yuiga sehr schnell feststellen, dass er sich hier einer äußerst schwierigen Aufgabe ausgeliefert sieht, an der schon ganz andere Nachhilfelehrer gescheitert sind.
Nariyuki Yuiga is in his last and most painful year of high school. In order to gain the “special VIP recommendation” which would grant him a full scholarship to college, he must now tutor his classmates as they struggle to prepare for entrance exams. Among his pupils are “the sleeping beauty of the literary forest,” Fumino Furuhashi, and “the Thumbelina supercomputer,” Rizu Ogata–two of the most beautiful super-geniuses at the school! While these two were thought to be academically flawless, it turns out that they’re completely clueless outside of their pet subjects…!? As Nariyuki’s life is turned upside down by these quirky girls who just never learn, he must do everything he can to get them accepted into college! The stage is set for this romantic comedy featuring prodigies who never learn when it comes to studying and love!
Nariyuki Yuiga is in his last and most painful year of high school. In order to gain the “special VIP recommendation” which would grant him a full scholarship to college, he must now tutor his classmates as they struggle to prepare for entrance exams. Among his pupils are “the sleeping beauty of the literary forest,” Fumino Furuhashi, and “the Thumbelina supercomputer,” Rizu Ogata–two of the most beautiful super-geniuses at the school! While these two were thought to be academically flawless, it turns out that they’re completely clueless outside of their pet subjects…!? As Nariyuki’s life is turned upside down by these quirky girls who just never learn, he must do everything he can to get them accepted into college! The stage is set for this romantic comedy featuring prodigies who never learn when it comes to studying and love!