Wrong - unzensiert
Nicolas Fethi Türksever, Titus Kraus, Melisa Dobric„WRONG“ (AT) handelt von einer WG-Clique aus Spätzwanzigern, die sich allesamt schwertun, erwachsen zu werden. Dass die Mitbewohner im Zweifel vor allem ihren eigenen Vorteil im Blick haben, macht es nicht gerade einfacher. Und was braucht man da am allerwenigsten? Ein penetrantes Kamerateam, das auch – oder gerade dann – draufhält, wenn es richtig „wrong“ wird! Dabei sollte das Team eigentlich nur die Bloggerin Melisa begleiten und ein Kurzportrait über ihr Leben drehen. Doch nach einer ausschweifenden Partynacht mit „wrongem“ Ende bleibt auch den anderen Bewohnern nichts anderes übrig, als den Knebelvertrag der Redakteurin zu unterschreiben. Von nun an wird die WG auf Schritt und Tritt begleitet. Bei all ihren Problemen, Peinlichkeiten und Schandtaten. Das quotenfixierte Kamerateam hält drauf, egal was passiert. Tränen, Verluste, illegale Aktivitäten – der Pausenknopf der Kamera ist keine Option, selbst wenn dabei jemand zu Schaden kommen könnte.
Wrong is about a group of people in their late twenties who are all struggling to grow up. The fact that, when in doubt, the roommates primarily have their own advantage in mind does not make it any easier. And what is the least you need? A penetrating camera team that also – or especially then – sticks to it when it gets really "wrong"! The team was actually only supposed to accompany the blogger Melisa and shoot a short portrait of her life. But after an extravagant party night with a "wrong" ending, the other residents have no choice but to sign the editor's gag contract. From now on, the WG will be accompanied at every turn. With all their problems, embarrassments and outrages. The quota-fixed camera team sticks to it, no matter what happens. Tears, casualties, illegal activities - the camera's pause button is not an option, even if it could harm someone.
Wrong is about a group of people in their late twenties who are all struggling to grow up. The fact that, when in doubt, the roommates primarily have their own advantage in mind does not make it any easier. And what is the least you need? A penetrating camera team that also – or especially then – sticks to it when it gets really "wrong"! The team was actually only supposed to accompany the blogger Melisa and shoot a short portrait of her life. But after an extravagant party night with a "wrong" ending, the other residents have no choice but to sign the editor's gag contract. From now on, the WG will be accompanied at every turn. With all their problems, embarrassments and outrages. The quota-fixed camera team sticks to it, no matter what happens. Tears, casualties, illegal activities - the camera's pause button is not an option, even if it could harm someone.