Der Kampf auf der Insel
Alain CavalierSchauspieler:
Romy Schneider, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Henri Serre, Diane Lepvrier, Maurice Garrel, Marcel Cuvelier, Robert Bousquet, Jacques Berlioz, Armand Meffre, Pierre Asso, Jean-Pierre Melville, Clara Tambour, Jean TopartClément Lesser ist Mitglied einer rechtsgerichteten Terrororganisation und wird in ein politisches Attentat verwickelt. Doch einer seiner Kumpanen betrügt ihn, und so muss er sich mit seiner Frau Anne zu seinem Jugendfreund Paul zurückziehen. Während Clément zu Gewaltausbrüchen neigt, ist der pazifistische Paul das genaue Gegenteil. Als die Zuneigung zwischen Paul und Anne wächst, spitzt sich die Situation zu.
The charismatic, surly son of a wealthy industrialist, Clément, leads a double life as a member of a right-wing extremist organization. When he’s ratted out after a failed assassination attempt on a prominent politician, Clément and his long-suffering wife Anne flee Paris to the idyllic country home of his childhood friend, pacifist print-maker Paul. As affection blossoms between Paul and Anne, the emotional, as well as political tensions, soar and eventually explode.
The charismatic, surly son of a wealthy industrialist, Clément, leads a double life as a member of a right-wing extremist organization. When he’s ratted out after a failed assassination attempt on a prominent politician, Clément and his long-suffering wife Anne flee Paris to the idyllic country home of his childhood friend, pacifist print-maker Paul. As affection blossoms between Paul and Anne, the emotional, as well as political tensions, soar and eventually explode.