Der Mann ohne Schatten
Carlo RolaSchauspieler:
Jan Josef Liefers, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Gudrun Landgrebe, Alina Levshin, Henry Hübchen, Elisabeth Schwarz, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Horst-Günter Marx, Aurora Basnuevo, Leslie Malton, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Picco von Groote, Eugen Bauder, Andreas Nickl, Daniel Aichinger, Isabell EgeUm das Elternhaus zu verkaufen, braucht Katherina Gebhardt den Segen ihres Bruders Martin - aber der ist seit über 30 Jahren verschwunden. Anwalt Vernau soll ihn finden. Er reist nach Kuba, wo Gebhardt angeblich leben soll. Tatsächlich bestätigen Hinweise das, doch Gebhardt schottet sich ab. Er sei ein Mann ohne Schatten, erzählt ihm die attraktive Anna-Maria mit der Vernau im Hotel ins Gespräch kommt. Als er Gebhardt schließlich doch trifft und Katherina davon berichtet, ist ihr sofort klar: Dieser Mann kann nicht ihr Bruder sein.
It is not a common assignment for the Berlin lawyer, womanizer and life artist Joachim Vernau: He should look for a man in Havana, who disappeared without a trace 30 years ago. Katherina Gebhardt is the sister of the disappeared. Her brother Martin allegedly "emigrated" to the GDR in 1980, but never arrived there. Instead, every year they reach clues that Martin is still alive, sometimes in Cuba, sometimes in the USA. Now she has to sell the house, their common heritage, and asks Vernau to contact the man in Havana.
It is not a common assignment for the Berlin lawyer, womanizer and life artist Joachim Vernau: He should look for a man in Havana, who disappeared without a trace 30 years ago. Katherina Gebhardt is the sister of the disappeared. Her brother Martin allegedly "emigrated" to the GDR in 1980, but never arrived there. Instead, every year they reach clues that Martin is still alive, sometimes in Cuba, sometimes in the USA. Now she has to sell the house, their common heritage, and asks Vernau to contact the man in Havana.