Die zum Teufel gehen
Umberto LenziSchauspieler:
Jack Palance, Wolfgang Preiss, Curd Jürgens, Thomas Hunter, Claudio Undari, Helmuth Schneider, Guido Lollobrigida, Aldo Sambrell, Lorenzo Robledo, Bruno Corazzari, Diana Lorys, Franco Fantasia, Gérard Herter, Mirko Ellis, Luis Induni, John StacyEin britisches Sonderkommando unter der Führung von Colonel Charley MacPherson ( Jack Palance ) erhält den Auftrag, den deutschen Sperrgürtel zu durchbrechen, der die französische Atlantikküste zur See hin fast unüberwindlich sichert. Ein Auftrag, der ganze Männer verlangt und nur eine Alternative - Überleben oder Tod - bietet.
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans in what he saw as a suicide mission. So for his next mission, he takes along a platoon a convicted criminals - to prepare the Normandy beaches for the D-Day landings. Wartime drama from Italy, starring Jack Palance, Wolfgang Preiss and Curd Jurgens.
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans in what he saw as a suicide mission. So for his next mission, he takes along a platoon a convicted criminals - to prepare the Normandy beaches for the D-Day landings. Wartime drama from Italy, starring Jack Palance, Wolfgang Preiss and Curd Jurgens.