Ehe in Dosen
Johannes MeyerSchauspieler:
Leny Marenbach, Grethe Weiser, Hilde Hildebrand, Rudolf Platte, Johannes Riemann, Gerhard DammannNora und Peter streiten sich ständig und wollen sich scheiden lassen. Noras Onkel Eberhard erkennt aber, dass die Beiden zusammengehören und entwickelt einen langfristigen Plan, um sie wieder zusammenzubringen: Da er als Justizrat bei der juristischen Seite der Scheidung hilft, erklärt er ihnen, die Scheidung sei zwar vollzogen, würde aber erst rechtskräftig, wenn sie noch einige Versöhnungsversuche unternähmen. Fürs erste Treffen verwandelt Eberhard Nora mithilfe seiner Freundin Christa in eine so verführerische Frau, dass Peter vor Eifersucht rast. Beim zweiten Treffen, das erst nach einem Jahr stattfindet, spielt Nora das von allen verlassene Mädchen. Sie hat inzwischen Peters Sohn zur Welt gebracht, und Peter ist ein erfolgreicher Komponist geworden. Als Nora nach dem Treffen wieder verschwindet, setzt Peter alles in Bewegung, um sie zurückzubekommen.
Nora and Peter constantly fight and wish to divorce. Nora's uncle Eberhard, however, believes the two belong together and comes up with a plan to bring the two back together again: as a lawyer, who is processing the divorce, he explains to them that the paperwork for the divorce is completed, but will only go into effect once they undertake a reconciliation attempt. For the first reconciliation meeting, Eberhard enlists the help of his friend Christa and together, they turn Nora into such a hot tamale, that Peter burns with jealousy that any other man might look at her. At the second meeting of the two, which takes place a year later (how long do divorces in Nazi Germany take?!?!), Nora plays the girl abandoned by everyone. In the interim, she's given birth to Peter's son -- which apparently does not count as a reconciliation -- and Peter has become a successful composer. When Nora again disappears after this meeting, Peter does all he can to win her back.
Nora and Peter constantly fight and wish to divorce. Nora's uncle Eberhard, however, believes the two belong together and comes up with a plan to bring the two back together again: as a lawyer, who is processing the divorce, he explains to them that the paperwork for the divorce is completed, but will only go into effect once they undertake a reconciliation attempt. For the first reconciliation meeting, Eberhard enlists the help of his friend Christa and together, they turn Nora into such a hot tamale, that Peter burns with jealousy that any other man might look at her. At the second meeting of the two, which takes place a year later (how long do divorces in Nazi Germany take?!?!), Nora plays the girl abandoned by everyone. In the interim, she's given birth to Peter's son -- which apparently does not count as a reconciliation -- and Peter has become a successful composer. When Nora again disappears after this meeting, Peter does all he can to win her back.