French Exit
Azazel JacobsSchauspieler:
Michelle Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges, Tracy Letts, Valerie Mahaffey, Susan Coyne, Imogen Poots, Danielle Macdonald, Isaach De Bankolé, Daniel DiTomasso, Eddie Holland, Matt Holland, Christine Lan, Robert Higden, Larry Day, Laura Mitchell, Christopher B. MacCabeFrances Price (Michelle Pfeiffer) hat das Leben in der High Society von Manhattan bisher in vollen Zügen genossen. Doch dann muss die Witwe feststellen, dass ihre Geldreserven bald erschöpft sind und sie sich das Luxusleben nicht mehr leisten kann. Und nicht nur das: Man fängt sogar schon an, über sie zu reden. Also ergreift sie die Flucht: Sie kratzt das letzte Vermögen zusammen und macht sich mit ihrer Katze Small Frank und ihrem zwar erwachsenen, aber noch sehr anhänglichen Sohn Malcolm (Lucas Hedges) per Kreuzfahrtschiff auf nach Paris. Hier will sie ihr altes Dasein hinter sich lassen und ein neues Leben beginnen...
“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.
“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.