Gantz: O
Yasushi Kawamura, Keiichi SaitôSchauspieler:
Yuuki Kaji, Daisuke Ono, Saori Hayami, Mao Ichimichi, Masaya Onosaka, Kenjirou Tsuda, Shuuichi Ikeda, Teruaki Ogawa, Tomohiro Kaku, Masane TsukayamaDie Jugendlichen Kei Kurono und Masaru Kato werden von einem Zug erfasst, nachdem sie einem Obdachlosen von den Gleisen retten. Statt im Jenseits landen sie aber reanimiert in einem Apartment in Tokio, zusammen mit mehreren Personen mit einem ähnlichen Schicksal und einer großen, schwarzen Kugel, die ihnen Anweisungen gibt, Aliens in einer vorgegebenen Zeit zu töten.
Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. Its name... Gantz.
Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. Its name... Gantz.