Meskina - Ein hoffnungsloser Fall
Daria BukvicSchauspieler:
Maryam Hassouni, Bilal Wahib, Jouman Fattal, Nasrdin Dchar, Yasmin Karssing, Vincent Banić, Fahd Larhzaoui, Samya Hafsaoui, Sabri Saddik, Joy Delima, Oscar Aerts, Najib Amhali, Soundos El Ahmadi, Sisi BolantiniLeyla ist Mitte 30, hat ein gebrochenes Herz und keinen Job. Sie sucht nach einem Neuanfang und ihrem Glück, auch wenn ihre Familie sie nur wieder verkuppeln will.
A thirty-something aspiring children's author, labeled "meskina" (pity case) by her Moroccan-Dutch community for still being career-less and single, sets out to once and for all find professional success and true love.
A thirty-something aspiring children's author, labeled "meskina" (pity case) by her Moroccan-Dutch community for still being career-less and single, sets out to once and for all find professional success and true love.