Muse - Worte können tödlich sein
Jaume BalagueróSchauspieler:
Elliot Cowan, Franka Potente, Ana Ularu, Leonor Watling, Manuela Vellés, Joanne Whalley, Christopher Lloyd, Cally O'Connell, Sam Hardy, Stella McCusker, Yennis Cheung, Eve Maher, Tighe Wardell, Mark Fitzgerald, Ciaran McGlynn, Lawrence StanleyErschütternde Albträume lassen den Literaturprofessor Samuel Solomon den Unfalltod seiner Lebensgefährtin nicht vergessen: Immer wieder träumt er dasselbe – eine Frau kommt bei einem grausamen Ritualmord ums Leben. Dann wird tatsächlich eine Frau gefunden, die unter diesen Umständen gestorben ist. Beim Besuch des Tatorts lernt Samuel Rachel kennen. Auch sie hat von der Bluttat geträumt. Gemeinsam wollen sie herausfinden, wer die Frau ist und was hinter ihren Träumen steckt.
Übernatürlicher Horror von Spaniens Genremeister Jaume Balagueró, in dem Franka Potente eine der Hauptrollen spielt.
Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the identity of the mystery woman, entering a terrifying world controlled by the figures who have inspired artists throughout time: the Muses.
Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the identity of the mystery woman, entering a terrifying world controlled by the figures who have inspired artists throughout time: the Muses.