Sammys Abenteuer - Die Suche nach der geheimen Passage
Ben Stassen, Mimi MaynardSchauspieler:
Yuri Lowenthal, Gemma Arterton, Isabelle Fuhrman, Melanie Griffith, Tim Curry, John Hurt, Robert Sheehan, Kathy Griffin, Jenny McCarthy, Gigi Perreau, Eric UngerDer kleine, etwas unbeholfene Meeresschildkröterich Sammy avanciert eher durch Zufall zum Helden, als er die süße Artgenossin Shelly aus den Fängen einer gefräßigen Möwe befreit. Doch das Schicksal meint es nicht gut mit den beiden. Sie verlieren sich in den unendlichen Weiten des Ozeans aus den Augen. Nach zahlreichen Abenteuern mit seinem Kumpel Ray in einer Hippie-Kommune und auf einem im Eismeer entsorgten Kühlschrank darf Sammy seine Shelly am Ende dann überglücklich in seine Flossen schließen.
Der belgische 3D-Pionier Ben Stassen, dessen innovative Fertigkeiten bisher vor allem in IMAX-Kinos zu sehen waren, begeistert in seiner zweiten Leinwandproduktion nach "Fly Me to the Moon" nicht nur mit wunderbaren 3D-Effekten in farbenprächtigen Korallenriffen und mit einer sich in den Zuschauerraum schlängelnden Wasserschlange, er erzählt auch eine einfache, ans Herz gehende Love Story und hat mit Schildkröterich Sammy einen sympathischen Helden. "Findet Nemo" hat einen würdigen Nachfolger gefunden.
A sea turtle who was hatched in 1959 spends the next 50 years traveling the world while it is being changed by global warming. Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing: race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. Thus begins Sammy's incredible fifty-year ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly - the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar. Based on the actual trajectory of a sea turtle's life, the film illustrates the dangers humans pose to the species' survival. The film combines entertainment with an important environmental message.
A sea turtle who was hatched in 1959 spends the next 50 years traveling the world while it is being changed by global warming. Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing: race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. Thus begins Sammy's incredible fifty-year ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly - the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar. Based on the actual trajectory of a sea turtle's life, the film illustrates the dangers humans pose to the species' survival. The film combines entertainment with an important environmental message.