The Elephant King
Seth GrossmanSchauspieler:
Tate Ellington, Jonno Roberts, Florence Faivre, Josef Sommer, Ellen Burstyn, Debra Azar, Porntip Papanai, Georgia Hatzis, Pawalit Mongkolpisit, Natalie Carter, Suparat Punyama, Narisra Yos-Sombut, Nittaya Fangsiriwong, Onanong Netsawasdi, Ho Foei Su, Mongkol KassaroAnthropologe Jake (Jonno Robert) ist vor Schulden und der Staatsanwaltschaft aus New York nach Thailand geflohen, wo er Zuflucht im Suff und Vergnügen in billigen Nachtclubs sucht. Sein jüngerer Bruder, der schriftstellerisch ambitionierte Oliver (Tate Ellington), reist ihm nach - um von der kontrollsüchtigen Mutter (Ellen Burstyn) loszukommen und seine Depression zu überwinden. Er verliebt sich in das einheimische Barmädchen Lek (Florence Vanida Faivre). Doch die ist gekauft.
Melancholisches Aussteigerdrama um zwei Brüder, die vor ihrem verpfuschten Leben in den schmuddeligen Amüsierschuppen Thailands nach Frieden und Glück suchen. Falsche Erwartungen aber beschwören eine Tragödie herauf in der bewegenden Studie über Ausgestoßene.
The story of two brothers who lead totally different lives. Jake Hunt enjoys life to the fullest in Thailand, while his shy brother Oliver deals with his own depressions back home in the USA. Their dominant mother wants Jake back home and for this reason, Oliver is sent to Thailand to retrieve his brother. Once there, Oliver finds himself in Jake's bizarre life and falls in love with a beautiful girl, Lek. However, it is not a coincidence that she and Oliver have met
The story of two brothers who lead totally different lives. Jake Hunt enjoys life to the fullest in Thailand, while his shy brother Oliver deals with his own depressions back home in the USA. Their dominant mother wants Jake back home and for this reason, Oliver is sent to Thailand to retrieve his brother. Once there, Oliver finds himself in Jake's bizarre life and falls in love with a beautiful girl, Lek. However, it is not a coincidence that she and Oliver have met