The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Makoto Shinkai, Yoshio Suzuki(co-director)Schauspieler:
Hidetaka Yoshioka, Masato Hagiwara, Yuuka Nanri, Unsho Ishizuka, Kazuhiko Inoue, Risa Mizuno, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Masami Iwasaki, Eiji Takemoto, Takahiro Hirano, Takeshi Maeda, Yûki Nakao, Rie NakagawaDer II. Weltkrieg wurde nicht von den Amerikanern gewonnen, statt dessen einigte man sich irgendwann auf ein Unentscheiden, wonach Japan ähnlich wie Korea in zwei getrennte politische Zonen geteilt wurde. Die Schulfreunde Hiroki und Takuya leben im südlichen amerikanischen Sektor, träumen aber genauso wie ihr von beiden gleichermaßen begehrter Schwarm Sayuri von einer Exkursion in jenen ebenso gewaltigen wie mysteriösen Turm, der jenseits der Grenze in den Himmel ragt und die Fantasie aller beflügelt.
Im seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geteilten Japan kämpfen zwei ehemalige Schulfreunde auf feindlichen Seiten um eine gemeinsame Wahrheit und ein geheimes Hightech-Projekt. Bildgewaltiges SF-Liebesdrama im Zeichentrickformat.
The story takes place in a alternate postwar period, in 1996, where Japan is divided. Hokkaido is ruled by the "Union" while Honshu and other southern islands are under US authority. A tall tower was built on Hokkaido, which could even be seen from Tokyo. In the summer of 1996, three middle-school students make a promise that they'll cross the border with a self-constructed plane and unravel the tower's secret, but their project was abandoned after the girl, Sayuri Sawatari, became mysteriously ill and transferred to Tokyo. Years later on the brink of another war Hiroki Fujisawa finds out that Sayuri had been in coma since then, and he asks Takuya Shirakawa to help him finding a way to wake her up.
The story takes place in a alternate postwar period, in 1996, where Japan is divided. Hokkaido is ruled by the "Union" while Honshu and other southern islands are under US authority. A tall tower was built on Hokkaido, which could even be seen from Tokyo. In the summer of 1996, three middle-school students make a promise that they'll cross the border with a self-constructed plane and unravel the tower's secret, but their project was abandoned after the girl, Sayuri Sawatari, became mysteriously ill and transferred to Tokyo. Years later on the brink of another war Hiroki Fujisawa finds out that Sayuri had been in coma since then, and he asks Takuya Shirakawa to help him finding a way to wake her up.