Words on Bathroom Walls
Thor FreudenthalSchauspieler:
Charlie Plummer, Molly Parker, Walton Goggins, Andy García, Taylor Russell, AnnaSophia Robb, Beth Grant, Devon Bostick, Lobo Sebastian, Aaron Dominguez, Reinaldo Faberlle, Jeris Donovan, Iain Tucker, Sean Michael Weber, Drew Scheid, Anthony J. PoliceEin Schüler einer Highschool leidet an paranoider Schizophrenie und leidet an Halluzination. Doch ein neues, experimentelles Medikament könnte ihm nicht nur im Umgang mit der Krankheit helfen, sondern ihm damit auch seinem Traummädchen näherbringen.
Diagnosed with a mental illness halfway through his senior year of high school, a witty, introspective teen struggles to keep it a secret while falling in love with a brilliant classmate who inspires him to open his heart and not be defined by his condition.
Diagnosed with a mental illness halfway through his senior year of high school, a witty, introspective teen struggles to keep it a secret while falling in love with a brilliant classmate who inspires him to open his heart and not be defined by his condition.