Das große Backen Kids
Sam Nixon, Mark Rhodes, Allegra McEvedy, Aaron Craze, Mary Berry, Graham Hornigold, James Martin, Nadiya Hussain, Harry Hill, Prue Leith, Liam Charles, Paul HollywoodBei „Das große Backen Kids“ treten Englands jüngste Bäcker gegeneinander an. In jeder Folge fordert die Jury die Kandidaten in zwei Challenges heraus. Egal ob es um leckere Kekse, süße Cupcakes oder aufwendige Torten geht: Die Konditoren treiben sich gegenseitig zu kreativen Höchstleistungen an. Doch wer darf am Ende triumphieren und den begehrten Titel mit nach Hause nehmen?
A British TV baking competition series, where thirty two young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned "Junior Bake Off Champion". It is a spin-off from the main series The Great British Bake Off.
A British TV baking competition series, where thirty two young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned "Junior Bake Off Champion". It is a spin-off from the main series The Great British Bake Off.