La Zona - Do Not Cross
Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo, Alberto Sánchez-CabezudoSchauspieler:
Eduard Fernández, Álvaro Cervantes, Alexandra Jiménez, Alba Galocha, Emma Suárez, Carlos Bardem, Manolo Solo, Juan Echanove, Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Inma CuevasDrei Jahre sind vergangen, seit eine nukleare Katastrophe im Norden Spaniens das Land für immer verändert hat. Der Polizist Hector (Eduard Fernández) kehrt zurück in die Nähe der Sperrzone, in die er einst als einer der ersten Helfer vorstieß. Heute ist er der einzige Überlebende seiner damaligen Gruppe. Als eine verstümmelte Leiche auftaucht, nimmt Hector die Ermittlungen auf. Bei seinen Nachforschungen stößt er auf Geheimnisse, die die neue Ordnung außerhalb der Sperrzone fundamental in Frage stellen könnten.
Three years after a meltdown in the nearby nuclear power plant devastated a rural, wooded area close to a major city in the north of Spain, Inspector Hector Uria returns to the police force after his treatment and recovery from being the only survivor among those who were the first to go in and help. But when a mutilated body turns up in the forbidden zone, Hector is drawn into an investigation that will put in question the new order established outside of the zone ever since the catastrophe took place.
Three years after a meltdown in the nearby nuclear power plant devastated a rural, wooded area close to a major city in the north of Spain, Inspector Hector Uria returns to the police force after his treatment and recovery from being the only survivor among those who were the first to go in and help. But when a mutilated body turns up in the forbidden zone, Hector is drawn into an investigation that will put in question the new order established outside of the zone ever since the catastrophe took place.