My Unorthodox Life
Julia Haart, Silvio Scaglia, Batsheva HaartDiese Reality-Serie handelt von Julia Haart, CEO der Elite World Group und ehemaliges Mitglied einer ultraorthodoxen jüdischen Gemeinde, sowie ihren erwachsenen Kindern.
This series centers around the personal and professional life of fashion mogul Julia Haart - former member of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community turned CEO of Elite World Group. Since taking the reins of a global talent empire, Haart has been on a mission to revolutionize the industry from the inside out - all while being a mother of four. Her children include a TikToker, an app designer, a lawyer, and a high schooler torn between two conflicting cultures, and Haart helps them reconcile their Orthodox upbringings with the modern world. My Unorthodox Life takes you on a journey through Julia Haart's untamed, unpredictable, and unorthodox life.
This series centers around the personal and professional life of fashion mogul Julia Haart - former member of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community turned CEO of Elite World Group. Since taking the reins of a global talent empire, Haart has been on a mission to revolutionize the industry from the inside out - all while being a mother of four. Her children include a TikToker, an app designer, a lawyer, and a high schooler torn between two conflicting cultures, and Haart helps them reconcile their Orthodox upbringings with the modern world. My Unorthodox Life takes you on a journey through Julia Haart's untamed, unpredictable, and unorthodox life.