Return to Amish
Jeremiah Raber, Sabrina Burkholder, Carmela RaberSie hatten versucht, dem Druck und der Enge ihrer Heimat zu entkommen und anderswo ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch als die jungen Amish Abe, Rebecca, Kate, Jeremiah und Sabrina in die Metropole New York auswanderten und anschließend ihr Glück in Florida versuchten, gab es Zuhause tiefgreifende Konsequenzen: Die Abtrünnigen wurden aus ihren Gemeinden in Pennsylvania verstoßen. Trotzdem sind alle bis auf Kate, die in New York als Model arbeitet, in die Heimat zurückgekehrt. Abes Mutter Mary möchte ihre Familie und Freunde zu Weihnachten um sich versammeln und lädt zu einem großen Essen ein. Alte Probleme und Konflikte kommen jedoch hoch, als die Gruppe wieder vereint ist. Sabrina erwartet ein uneheliches Kind, Abes Bruder Andrew war schon wieder im Gefängnis und Jeremiah benimmt sich völlig daneben. Wie werden die Ex-Amish ihr Leben meistern?
Return to Amish finds ex-Amish rebels Abe, Jeremiah, Kate, Rebecca and Sabrina back in the Amish world to face marriage, pregnancy, birth and the lingering consequences of shunning. Abe's parents, the rule-bending Amish matron Mary and the strictly religious Chester, serve as their hosts. Mary and Chester have struggles of their own that put them in a precarious situation. Their daughter Katie Ann has a big decision to make, and their son Andrew, just out of jail, adds fuel to the fire by bringing his opinionated English girlfriend, Chapel, back home with him. Sabrina and Rebecca are both expecting babies, Kate is anxiously awaiting the career opportunity of a lifetime, Abe and Andrew's sibling rivalry is reignited through new clashes, and Jeremiah must put it all on the line to find happiness.
Return to Amish finds ex-Amish rebels Abe, Jeremiah, Kate, Rebecca and Sabrina back in the Amish world to face marriage, pregnancy, birth and the lingering consequences of shunning. Abe's parents, the rule-bending Amish matron Mary and the strictly religious Chester, serve as their hosts. Mary and Chester have struggles of their own that put them in a precarious situation. Their daughter Katie Ann has a big decision to make, and their son Andrew, just out of jail, adds fuel to the fire by bringing his opinionated English girlfriend, Chapel, back home with him. Sabrina and Rebecca are both expecting babies, Kate is anxiously awaiting the career opportunity of a lifetime, Abe and Andrew's sibling rivalry is reignited through new clashes, and Jeremiah must put it all on the line to find happiness.