Ayumi Fujimura, Daisuke Kirii, Tone Kentarou, Kazama Yuuto, Shinji Kawada, Kenyuu Horiuchi, Satoshi Hino, Atsushi Abe, Saori Hayami, Sayuri Yahagi, Masakazu Morita, Ayako Kawasumi, Hirofumi Nojima, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Tomoyuki Shimura, Junichi SuwabeMoritaka Mashiro ist im dritten Jahrgang der Mittelschule und wird von den Erwachsenen ständig genervt, welche berufliche Laufbahn er denn einschlagen möchte. Er ist künstlerisch äußerst talentiert und zeichnet daher lieber Bilder von seinem Schwarm Miho Azuki in sein Notizbuch, als sich Gedanken über seine Zukunft zu machen.
Als er eines Tages von der Schule nach Hause geht, bemerkt er, dass er sein Notizbuch vergessen hat und kehrt zurück, um sich dieses zu holen. In der Klasse angekommen, wartet auf ihn der Klassenbeste Akito Takagi mit seinem Notizbuch in der Hand. Nachdem dieser von seinen Fähigkeiten erfahren hat und auch von seinen Gefühlen für Azuki, versucht er Moritaka zu überreden, für ihn Mangas zu zeichnen. Moritaka lehnt entschieden ab und Akito sieht sich gezwungen, Azuki von Moritakas Geheimnis zu erzählen. Als sie schließlich vor ihrem Haus stehen, erzählt Akito ihr, dass sie Mangaka werden wollen. Überwältigt von den Geschehnissen, macht Moritaka, ohne groß zu überlegen, Azuki einen Heiratsantrag...
Bakuman follows the story of high school student Mashiro Moritaka a talented artist who does not know what he wants to do with his future. One day he draws a picture of Azuki Miho, a girl he is secretly fond of, during class and forgets the notebook at school. He comes back to find that his classmate Tagaki Akito is waiting for him with his notebook. Takagi tries to convince Mashiro to become a mangaka, a manga artist, with him, only leading to Mashiro's disagreement. Mashiro goes home and thinks about his mangaka uncle, who had only one successful series before he died in obscurity. Mashiro is interrupted by a phone call from Takagi, who says that he is going to tell Azuki that Mashiro likes her. Mashiro runs down to Azuki's house to find Takagi waiting for him. Once Azuki comes out to meet them, Takagi tells her that he and Mashiro are aiming to be mangaka. Mashiro then learns that she wants to be a seiyuu, a voice actor, and has shown promise in the field. Mashiro, once again thinking about his uncle, accidentally proposes to Azuki who accepts. However, she will only marry him after they achieve their dreams.
Bakuman follows the story of high school student Mashiro Moritaka a talented artist who does not know what he wants to do with his future. One day he draws a picture of Azuki Miho, a girl he is secretly fond of, during class and forgets the notebook at school. He comes back to find that his classmate Tagaki Akito is waiting for him with his notebook. Takagi tries to convince Mashiro to become a mangaka, a manga artist, with him, only leading to Mashiro's disagreement. Mashiro goes home and thinks about his mangaka uncle, who had only one successful series before he died in obscurity. Mashiro is interrupted by a phone call from Takagi, who says that he is going to tell Azuki that Mashiro likes her. Mashiro runs down to Azuki's house to find Takagi waiting for him. Once Azuki comes out to meet them, Takagi tells her that he and Mashiro are aiming to be mangaka. Mashiro then learns that she wants to be a seiyuu, a voice actor, and has shown promise in the field. Mashiro, once again thinking about his uncle, accidentally proposes to Azuki who accepts. However, she will only marry him after they achieve their dreams.